ONLINE CLASS | Every Sunday @ 4PM PST on ZOOM | Kundalini + Metaphysical Exploration

$22 | Contact to Book


SEAN | Spiritual Counseling & Energy Healing




No matter your beliefs or background, what you think you're lacking, how the world has harmed you, or whatever healing you seek, together we can open to a space beyond limitations where you can experience happiness and freedom for yourself.

SERVICES | 1:1, Couples or Group


There’s so much more to you. Have you experienced it?

Simply put, you as a complete being are far more expansive than a physical experience. You also exist in what is known as the World of Second Attention, or the Unseen World. This is the domain of Soul. Shifting to this broader perspective, you become aware of a Soul Purpose that guided you to experience this particular life on Earth. It knows who you are, why you are here and what lessons and gifts you are ready to integrate.

Spiritual Counseling unlocks a gateway of tremendous untapped potential by bringing into awareness aspects of your being that remain hidden from sight yet actively guide you toward your path of highest fulfillment and prosperity, while at the same time releasing limiting beliefs and perspectives that contribute to feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction, and unexpressed emotion.

What emerges is not a new
belief  of an improved self, but a tangible and unshakable experience that alters your understanding of reality. Once you have tasted the sweetness of your Truth, no one can convince you that it is anything but pure.

So what is your Soul saying to you? Let’s listen together.

SERVICES | Remote or In-Person


Your physical experience is response to your energetic field.

We all have the capacity to heal. In essence, our true nature is alway in a state of perfect clarity, yet we cling to energetic clutter that obscures our ability to express ourselves fully. Just as water is naturally clear, yet the sediments within can give it a dark and murky appearance.

Energy healing involves the removal of psychic residues from your field, clearing the way for higher vibrations to express through your form.

By aligning myself to sacred frequencies, my own vibratory projection continues to rise at an accelerated rate. This elevated energetic transmission facilitates dramatic and immediate shifts within the fields of those who agree to engage with it.

We are undoing thousands of years of ever increasing thought addiction that has given rise to countless egoic structures working to subjugate our innate wisdom and authentic expressions. By engaging with your energy field directly, we can dismantle these outdated systems and restore your natural resonance with the simple Truth of your inner Light. You immediately experience the shift.

If that sounds like magic, that’s because it is.

SERVICES | 1:1 Mentoring


So you’re awakening. Now what?

Perhaps you have had profound realizations through non-ordinary states of consciousness, such as those experienced during meditation, after ingesting psychedelics, during peak performance as optimal flow, or spiritual or religious experiences and mystical states, that have shaken the very foundation of your understanding of Self and Reality. But what now?

On this path it can often feel like you’re going crazy and life is falling apart all around you. This is a normal part of the transition. Yet, the more one integrates these spiritual lessons into liveable wisdom, the more quickly old habits began to melt away on their own, evolving into a more elevated expression.

Integration Coaching is for those ready to more deeply understand their spiritual lessons and gifts. Working directly with your energy bodies and unseen guides, we can detect and call attention to emerging narratives, images, symbolisms and the like, that are bell-weathers of profound transformation of consciousness, helping you to integrate and embody these deep insights.

The journey of life is experiential. Let’s walk the walk.

Shared Perspectives

Click For Full Quotes




No matter your beliefs or background, what you think you're lacking, how the world has harmed you, or whatever healing you seek, together we can open to a space beyond limitations where you can experience happiness and freedom for yourself.

My role is simple: to witness others in their perfection, mirroring it back to them in support of their own realization of that same perfection within us all. Stepping into that role is a multiple lifetime, multi-dimensional journey of awaking.

Like so many of us in this time of transition, a shift of consciousness occurred within me and everything changed — I woke up.  I saw that Life is a transformative journey of revealing the Truth of who I really am as a perfect mirror of an inner reality.

The Wisdom this shift has brought to bear within me is fundamental and unshakable, and it doesn’t require belief or even learned knowledge. It adapts effortlessly, drawing from metaphysical insight, intuition, channeling, energy flow and mystical practices. It manifests spontaneously as transpersonal psychic abilities, energetic clearing, channeled guidance, and deepening of awakening for others.

Reach out and experience for yourself, not just read or think about it.



Sessions generally last an hour, for individuals, couples or groups. They are an open space where I tune into your energy field and listen to the frequencies you’re emitting, finding where things are in alignment with helping you open to knowing your soul truth, and where you’re closing down and limiting your clear understanding and experience of that truth. 

We go through a process of bringing to the surface what’s ready to be seen and then possibly re-seen in a more helpful way, often getting you unstuck from agreements, patterns or circumstantial views that are causing frustration, anxiety, depression and/or dis-ease.

How all of this shows up is unique to you and what is being brought before us in the session. I find it to be hugely supportive, relieving and always surprising.


Energy Healing

Medicine that dissolves energetic debris and dis-ease standing in the way of a clearer experience of who you really are, or as spontaneous “healing” by bringing order to that which is in dis-order.

Energy Healing

A source of deep rest and relaxation to ease the mind and body, allowing fresh perspectives, profound insights and nascent psychic gifts to blossom within the newfound inner spaciousness.

Spiritual Counseling

Take you on extraordinary out-of-body journeys, transporting you to planes and states of existence previously unreachable due to limiting beliefs of commonly accepted notions of “reality”.

Energy Healing

Obtain a sense of transpersonal identification with loss of ego-dominant concerns — that is, a feeling of connectedness to everything accompanied by a deep reverence for life and your unique place within it.


We can discuss how best to support your current journey —

Perhaps you’ve been searching for: Energy Healing; Energy Healer; Energy Work; Intuitive Channel; Intuitive Reading; Channeled Reading; Relationship Coach; Alignment Coach; Life Coach; Spirit Coach; Spiritual Counselor; Spirituality Therapist; Therapist; Counseling; Marriage Counseling; Awakening Coach; Ascension Coach; Tarot Reading; Mystic; Mystical Experience; Shaman; Shamanic Healing; Plant Medicine; Oracle; Oracle Readings; Holistic Practice; Reiki; Body Work; Angelic Readings; Medical Intuitive; Intuitive Healing; Quantum Energy Healing; Neuroscience-Based Mindset Work; Subconscious Re-patterning; Causal Re-patterning; Integration; Integration Coach; Mentorship; Sound Healing; Sound Healer; Meditation; Meditation Coach; Meditation Teacher; Soul Reading; Soul Guide; Soul Coach; Depth Psychology; Jungian Analysis; Compassion Guide; Grief Counselor; Grief Coach; EMDR; Mindfulness; Mindfulness Teacher; Mindfulness Coach; Retreat; Wellness Center; Holistic Wellness; Soul Loss; Soul Recovery; Lucid Dreaming; Dream Analysis; Dream Interpretation; Astrology; Natal Chart Reading; Human Design; Vedic Astrology; Ayurvedic; Manifestation; Kundalini Activation; Plant Medicine; Journey; or simply just Happiness and Freedom.

You are ready for deeper guidance and integration beyond what you alone are currently able to support. We can start with as little as 30 minutes.

The gateway is open. No one can take the journey for you.

Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy

The following cancellation/rescheduling policy applies to all bookings. 

24hrs notice is requested for any cancellation or rescheduling.

  • Within 24 hours of the start time : 100% of session payment.
  • Cancellation before 24 hours of the start time : 50% of your session payment.
  • Reschedule before 24 hours of the start time : No Fee
  • Sean Tribble reserves the right to cancel/reschedule the session at any time with due reason, in the event of Sean cancelling a session a 100% refund will be made via your payment method.

Thank you for understanding and accepting this cancellation policy

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